Sunday, August 03, 2008

Lots and lots of vacation pics

We just got back from a week in Maine with my parents and my sis and her husband and kids. We stayed in a little cabin on Lovewell Pond, actually a decent sized lake despite the name. It was perfect: nice sandy beach for the kids to play on, lots of fish for Jason to catch, beautiful weather all week long, and lots of relaxation for all. I took a ton of pics, these are only the ones from my camera, I still need to get the ones from my Dad's. I might do a second post when I get the rest of the pics. But for now, here you go: This was the first night there. Isabel had already been in the water that afternoon, but when we went back down to the beach that evening she jumped right back in, fully clothed. She was trying to help Daddy fish in this pic.

She also just had to help Gramma and Daddy carry the kayak down to the beach.
Heading out for a little kayak trip with Daddy.
Heading out while Grampa comes back in.
Toasting marshmallows, also on the fist night there.
Isabel really liked the marshmallow at first...
...then she hit overload and didn't know what to do with it. :)

Fully clothed kids having a blast in the water, still that first night there.
Making sandcastles on another day. We had amazing weather almost the whole time we were there.

We took a ride on the scenic train from North Conway to Conway, New Hampshire. The kids all had a blast and at just 1 hour roundtrip it was just the right length for their attention spans. I love the first pic of Isabel and I...
..but Jason prefers this one. Isabel is very into making funny faces for the camera lately.
Me and Isabel and Rowan relaxing on the train.
Sophia, the happiest baby every, climbed right into the kayak and looked like she wanted to go out too.
Auntie Sarah was trying to show Isabel how to fish with Rowan's pole.
She didn't quite get it, but she made some progress.
Here's my dad flyfishing as the sun set. Isn't the lake gorgeous?
We took a beautiful hike up Black Cap Peak in the White Mtns of New Hampshire. This is the view from the top.
Isabel and Rowan enjoyed splitting a bag of trail mix on the summit.
Here's the whole crew, enjoying the scenery and relaxing at the top.
A couple of times we made ice cream in my Dad's ice cream ball. It's a very ingenious little novelty, you fill the outside with ice and rock salt, and the inside with half and half, vanilla, and sugar. Then you roll it around for about 20 minutes, then you have about a pint of ice cream to enjoy. The kids had a blast helping out by rolling it around the living room.

My sis got just a bit sunburnt. :)
Sophia tried to help out too.

And finally, we had yummy ice cream to eat, mmmm.
It was a great week, lots of fun memories, and I'm even rather tan! Now we're back to life in the real world again, I hope you enjoyed the pics!


Misty said...

That is a gorgeous lake! How far was it to the summit?

Misty said...

of the mountain? (i forgot to add that part : )).

Shelly said...

It was a short hike, under 2 miles to the top. Isabel and Rowan both ended up on their Daddy's shoulders. I also forgot to mention the wild blueberries that we picked on the way down and made into blueberry pancakes the next day, yumm!

Misty said...

oh my gosh. now I'm really jealous. wild blueberries. wow!

Suzanne said...

That is the most awesome picture of your dad fly fishing. The kids look like they had a blast. You look wonderful too, nice to see your face! I want an icecream ball now too. Mine would have dog hair all over it though. YUCK!

Shelly said...

The first night we used the ice cream ball the kids were rolling it around on the beach, no sand got inside of it, but we still decided to use it inside next time, just seemed wiser. ;)

Shelly said...

Also Suz, a couple of times I had to ask Jason to just take the camera so I could actually be in a couple of the pictures for once. ;) Seems I'm always taking them and never in them, I thought I should try to change that. Glad you enjoyed all the pics. :)